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English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

Federal Act

on the Surveillance of Post and Telecommunications (SPTA)

of 18 March 2016 (Status as of 1 March 2018) The Federal Assembly of the Swiss Confederation, based on Articles 92 paragraph 1 and 123 paragraph 1 of the Federal Constitution1,
and having considered the Federal Council dispatch dated 27 February 20132, decrees:

Section 1

General Provisions

Art. 1

Material scope of application 1

This Act applies to the surveillance of post and telecommunications ordered and carried out:

a. in the course of criminal proceedings; b. in execution of a request for mutual legal assistance; c. in the search for missing persons; d. in tracing persons on whom a custodial sentence or custodial measure has been imposed;

e.3 within the scope of the Intelligence Service Act of 25 September 20154 (IntelSA).


For information on payment transactions subject to the Postal Services Act of 17 December 20105 (PostA), the provisions on the duties to testify and to provide information to an authority apply.

AS 2018 117

1 SR


2 BBl

2013 2683


See Art. 46 No 1.

4 SR


5 SR






Art. 2

Personal scope of application This Act establishes duties to cooperate for the following persons (persons obliged to cooperate):

a. providers of postal services under the PostA6; b. providers of telecommunications services under Article 3 letter b of the Telecommunications Act of 30 April 19977 (TCA);

c. providers of services which are based on telecommunications services and enable one-way or multipath communication (providers of derived communications services);

d. operators of internal telecommunications networks; e. persons who make their access to a public telecommunications network available to third parties; f.

professional retailers of cards and similar means which permit access to a public telecommunications network.

Art. 3

Surveillance service

1 The Confederation shall operate a service for the surveillance of post and telecommunications under Article 269 of the Swiss Criminal Procedure Code8 (CrimPC) (the Service).

2 The Service shall perform its tasks autonomously. It is not subject to instructions and is only administratively assigned to the Federal Department of Justice and Police (FDJP).

3 The licensing and supervisory authorities responsible for matters of post and telecommunications, the prosecution authorities and the Service work together in its area of responsibility.

Art. 4

Processing personal data The Service, the ordering authorities, the approving authorities and the providers of postal and telecommunications services may process the personal data, including sensitive personal data and personality profiles, that they need to order, approve and carry out surveillance.

Art. 5

Advisory body

1 The FDJP may set up an advisory body comprising representatives of the FDJP, the Service, the cantons, the prosecution authorities, the Federal Intelligence Service (FIS) and the providers of postal and telecommunications services.9 6 SR


7 SR


8 SR



See Art. 46 No 1.

Surveillance of Post and Telecommunications. FA 3


2 The advisory body shall facilitate an exchange of experiences and opinions between the representatives referred to in paragraph 1. It shall examine revisions to this Act and the implementing provisions and changes in official practice in order to

promote the proper conduct of surveillance and continuous further development in this area. It shall express its opinion on draft revisions and may make recommendations on its own initiative.

3 The FDJP shall regulate the composition and organisation of the advisory body and the procedures it has to follow.

Section 2

Information System for Processing Data from Telecommunications Surveillance

Art. 6


The Service shall operate an information system for processing the data arising from telecommunications surveillance under Article 1 paragraph 1 (the processing system).

Art. 7

Purpose of the processing system The processing system serves to: a. receive the data collected by telecommunications surveillance and make it available to the authorised authorities; b. maintain over an extended period the legibility and security of the data collected by telecommunications surveillance;

c. provide information on access to telecommunications services; d. offer processing functions for the data stored in the system; e. support business processing and controls.

Art. 8

Content of the processing system The processing system holds: a. the content of communications to and from the person under surveillance; b. the data that indicates with whom, when, for how long, and from where the person under surveillance is or has been communicating, as well as the technical characteristics of the communication concerned (secondary telecommunications data);

c. information on telecommunications services; d. the data, in particular the personal data, required by the Service for the business processing and control.




Art. 9

Access to the processing system 1 The Service shall grant online access to the data collected in the proceedings in question to the authority that ordered surveillance or which later directs the proceedings and to the persons designated by that authority.

2 The authority referred to in paragraph 1 and the persons it designates shall have access to such data for as long as the authority is responsible for the proceedings.

3 If the authority transfers the proceedings to a different authority, or if it concludes the proceedings, it shall notify the Service. It shall notify the Service of the new authority that is responsible for the proceedings.

4 The data collected by surveillance shall be sent by post to the authority at its request, if possible in encrypted form, by means of data carriers or documents, if: a. the data are intended to be transmitted to a foreign authority in an international mutual legal assistance procedure; or

b. online access is not possible for technical reasons.

Art. 10

Right to inspect case documents and right to information on the data 1 In the case of data collected in the course of criminal proceedings or in connection with the execution of a request for mutual legal assistance: a. the right to inspect case documents and the right to information in pending proceedings is governed by the applicable procedural law; b. the right to information after the conclusion of the proceedings is governed by the Federal Act of 19 June 199210 on Data Protection (FADP) if a federal authority is dealing with the request for mutual legal assistance, or by cantonal law if a cantonal authority is dealing with it.

2 The right to information on the data collected in the search for missing persons or tracing convicted persons is governed by the FADP if a federal authority is responsible for the search or for tracing, or by cantonal law if a cantonal authority is responsible for it. Article 279 CrimPC11 applies mutatis mutandis.

2bis The right to information on the data collected in implementing the IntelSA12 is governed by the IntelSA.13 3 The person affected by surveillance may assert his or her rights against the authority responsible for the proceedings or, if no authority is responsible for the proceedings any longer, against the last authority responsible. The Service is not responsible for providing the information.

4 The Federal Council shall regulate the manner in which these rights are granted. In doing so, it shall guarantee the rights of the parties concerned, in particular in cases 10 SR


11 SR


12 SR


13 See Art. 46 No 1.

Surveillance of Post and Telecommunications. FA 5


where making copies of the case files is impossible or only possible with disproportionate effort.

Art. 11

Retention period for the data 1 The length of time that data collected in criminal proceedings must be retained in the processing system is governed by the rules on criminal case files under the applicable criminal procedural law.

2 The data collected in execution of a request for mutual legal assistance shall be retained in the processing system for as long as necessary for the objective pursued, but no longer than 30 years after conclusion of surveillance.

3 The data collected as part of the search for a missing person shall be retained in the processing system for as long as necessary for the objective pursued, but no longer than 30 years after conclusion of surveillance.

4 The length of time that data collected in tracing a person on whom a custodial sentence has been imposed must be retained in the processing system is governed by the applicable criminal procedural law. Data collected in tracing a person on whom a custodial measure has been imposed must be retained in the processing system for as long as necessary for the objective pursued, but no longer than 30 years after conclusion of surveillance.

4bis The data collected in implementing the IntelSA14 shall be retained in the processing system for as long as necessary for the objective pursued, but no longer than 30 years after conclusion of surveillance.15 5 The authority responsible for the proceedings or, if no authority is responsible for the proceedings any longer, the last authority responsible is responsible for compliance with the periods laid down in paragraphs 1-4. It shall inform the Service before expiry of the retention period as to what is to be done with the data under the applicable law prior to its deletion from the system. Thirty years after conclusion of surveillance, the Service shall request the authority to clarify what is to be done with the data still available in the system.

6 The Federal Council shall specify how compliance with the retention periods is to be guaranteed; it shall regulate the details of the information according to paragraph 5.

Art. 12

Security 1 The Service is responsible for the security of the processing system.

2 The Federal Council shall issue regulations on technical and organisational protection measures, in particular against the unintentional or unauthorised access to data and the unintentional or unauthorised modification, dissemination or destruction of data.

14 SR


15 See Art. 46 No 1.




3 When delivering the data collected by surveillance, the persons obliged to cooperate are responsible for data security up to the point at which the Service receives the data. They shall follow the instructions of the Service regarding data security.

Art. 13


The authorities with access to the processing system under Article 9 are deemed to be the controller of the data file in the case of data from surveillance measures within their area of responsibility.

Art. 14

Interface with the police information systems of the Federal Office of Police

1 The data contained in the processing system may be copied to the information systems referred to in Articles 10, 12 and 13 of the Federal Act of 13 June 200816 on the Federal Police Information Systems (FPISA) using the online access, provided: a. the applicable law allows data processing in these systems; and b. it is ensured that only those persons responsible for the relevant proceedings have access to the data.

2 The transmission may only be initiated by a person who has access rights to the processing system pursuant to this Act and to the relevant information system pursuant to the FPISA.

a17 Interface to the FIS information system 1 The data contained in the processing system may be copied to the information system referred to in Article 58 IntelSA18 using the online access, provided: a. the applicable law allows data processing in this system; and b. it is ensured that only the persons responsible for the relevant surveillance measure have access to the data.

2 The transmission may only be initiated by a person who has access rights to the processing system pursuant to this Act and to the relevant information system pursuant to the IntelSA.

Section 3

Tasks of the Service

Art. 15

Information on telecommunications services 1 The Service shall provide only the following authorities with information on the data referred to in Articles 21 and 22, on request and only for the following purposes: 16 SR


17 See Art. 46 No 1.

18 SR


Surveillance of Post and Telecommunications. FA 7


a. the authorities of the Confederation and the cantons that have the right to order or approve telecommunications surveillance, or the authorities designated by them: for the purpose of determining the services and persons to be

placed under surveillance and the persons communicating with them; b. the Federal Office of Police and the cantonal and communal police authorities: for the purpose of carrying out police duties;

c. the competent federal and cantonal authorities: for the purpose of processing cases under administrative criminal law.

d.19 the FIS: for the purpose of fulfilling tasks under the IntelSA20.

2 In addition, pursuant to Articles 10 paragraph 3 and 23 of the Federal Act of 19 December 198621 on Unfair Competition (UCA), the Service shall also provide the competent federal authority on request with information on the data referred to in Article 21 in order that the authority may file a criminal complaint of unfair competition pursuant to Article 3 paragraph 1 letter u UCA.22

Art. 16

General tasks related to surveillance In relation to surveillance of post and telecommunications, the Service has the following general tasks: a. It shall contact the ordering authority and the approving authority immediately before post or information is passed on to the ordering authority if, in

its opinion, the surveillance order: 1. in the case of surveillance in the course of criminal proceedings, does not concern a criminal offence for which surveillance is permitted under the applicable law; 2.23 has not been issued by the competent authority or, pursuant to Articles 29-31 IntelSA24, has not been approved and granted permission to proceed; or 3. is incomplete or unclear.

b. It shall contact the ordering authority and the approving authority immediately if, in its opinion, the surveillance is technically inappropriate, does not belong to the surveillance types provided for by law or in the implementing

provisions or is not technically feasible.

c. It shall provide the competent authority with the information required to order surveillance; If necessary, it shall request the persons obliged to cooperate to provide it with this information.

19 See Art. 46 No 1.

20 SR


21 SR


22 See Art. 46 No 1.

23 See Art. 46 No 1.

24 SR





d. It shall instruct the persons obliged to cooperate on how to carry out the surveillance, request them to take the necessary measures for the surveillance and supervise the implementation of the surveillance.

e. It shall implement the measures ordered by the approving authority to protect professional secrecy.

f. It shall check whether surveillance extends beyond the approved period and terminate it at the end of the period if it has not been sent a copy of the renewal application.

g. It shall notify the approving authority immediately of the termination of surveillance.

h. It shall follow the technical developments in relation to postal and telecommunications services.


It shall organise and carry out training for persons who are allowed to access the processing system.

j. It may, on request, advise authorities and persons obliged to cooperate on technical, legal and operational aspects of surveillance of post and telecommunications.

k. It shall produce statistics on surveillance.

Art. 17

Tasks related to telecommunications surveillance In relation to telecommunications surveillance, the Service has the following additional tasks:

a. If several providers of telecommunications services are involved in providing the telecommunications service to be placed under surveillance, the Service shall instruct the provider responsible for the administration of the telecommunications service or the provider that can do it with the least technical

effort to carry out the surveillance. The Service shall base its instructions on the information provided by the authority that ordered the surveillance.

b. It shall receive the transmitted telecommunications of the person under surveillance from the providers of telecommunications services, store them and allow the ordering authority or the authority designated by the ordering au-

thority to have access thereto.

c. It shall instruct the providers of telecommunications services to transmit data collected in the course of surveillance directly to the ordering authority (direct transmission) or the authority designated by the ordering authority if, for technical reasons, it is not able to receive the telecommunications, to store them or to give access to these authorities; in such an event, these authorities shall store the data themselves.

d. It shall receive the secondary data of telecommunications from providers of telecommunications services, store it, and give access to the ordering authority or the authority designated by the ordering authority.

Surveillance of Post and Telecommunications. FA 9


e. In cases where the persons obliged to cooperate are merely subject to an obligation of toleration and cooperation (Arts. 26 para. 6, 27 paras. 1 and 2, 28 and 29) or where non-standardised surveillance is to be carried out (Art. 32

para. 2), it shall take the steps required to ensure that surveillance can still be carried out.


It shall verify the ability of providers of telecommunications services to provide information and conduct surveillance (Arts. 32-34).

g. At the request of the ordering authority, it shall filter certain data types out of the data flow.

Art. 18

Quality control

1 The Service shall take preventive and retrospective measures for quality control of the data delivered by the providers of telecommunications services.

2 It may only view the content of the data with the prior consent of the authority responsible for the proceedings.

Section 4

Obligations related to Post Surveillance

Art. 19

Obligations of providers of postal services 1 At the request of the Service, providers of postal services must deliver to the ordering authority or to the authority designated by the ordering authority:

a. the post addressed to or mailed by the person under surveillance; b. the data that indicates with whom, when and from where the person under surveillance is or was communicating, as well as the technical characteristics of the post concerned (secondary data of postal services).

2 The order may require real-time surveillance to be carried out and the handover of the retained secondary data of postal services from past communications (retroactive surveillance).

3 The Federal Council shall specify the permissible types of surveillance and shall regulate for each type of surveillance the data to be supplied by the various providers.

4 Providers must retain the secondary data of postal services specified by the Federal Council on the basis of paragraph 3 for 6 months.

5 Subject to the prior consent of the authority responsible for the proceedings, the post concerned shall be returned to the provider, which shall deliver it to the person under surveillance.

Art. 20

Information before ordering surveillance Providers of postal services must provide the Service, at its request, with the information required for ordering surveillance.




Section 5

Information relating to Telecommunications Surveillance

Art. 21

Information on telecommunications services 1 Providers of telecommunications services shall supply the Service with the following information on specified telecommunications services: a. the surname, first name, date of birth, address and, if known, the occupation of the subscriber;

b. the addressing resources (Art. 3 paras f and g TCA25); c. the types of services; d. other data on telecommunications services specified by the Federal Council; such data may be administrative or technical in nature or permit the identification of persons; e. in addition in the case of customer relationships for pre-paid or free services: the place of supply and the surname and first name of the person who supplied the means of access to the telecommunications service.

2 They must ensure that this information is recorded when the customer relationship is established and can be supplied during the customer relationship and for 6 months after its termination. The Federal Council shall specify that the providers of telecommunications services must retain and be able to supply certain of these data for the purpose of identification for only 6 months.

Art. 22

Information to identify perpetrators of criminal offences via the internet and to identify persons in the case of threats to internal or external security26 1 If it is suspected that a criminal offence has been committed via the internet, providers of telecommunications services are required to provide the Service with all the information necessary to identify the perpetrator.

1bis If sufficient evidence exists that a threat to internal or external security is being or has been made via the internet, providers of telecommunications services are required to provide the Service with all the information required to identify the author of the threat or the origin of the threat.27 2 The Federal Council shall determine which information the providers of telecommunications services must retain and be able to supply for the purpose of identification during the customer relationship and for 6 months after its termination. It shall

specify certain of these data that providers of telecommunications services must retain and be able to supply for the purpose of identification for only 6 months.

Providers of telecommunications services must provide the Service with further information available to them.

25 SR


26 See Art. 46 No 1.

27 See Art. 46 No 1.

Surveillance of Post and Telecommunications. FA 11


3 Providers of derived communications services and operators of internal telecommunications networks must provide the Service with the information available to them.

4 The Federal Council may require providers of derived communications services that offer services of major economic importance or to a large number of users to retain and supply all or some of the information that the providers of telecommunications services must provide under paragraph 2.

Art. 23

Procedure for recording data and providing information 1 The Federal Council shall regulate how providers of telecommunications services must record the data pursuant to Article 21 paragraph 1 letter a and Article 22 paragraph 2 first sentence.

2 It shall regulate the form and retention of information requests.

3 It may provide that the data referred to in Articles 21 and 22 be made accessible online to the authorities referred to in Article 15 and that the data shall be supplied free of charge and around the clock.

Art. 24

Information before ordering surveillance Providers of telecommunications services must provide the Service on its request with the technical information required for ordering surveillance.

Art. 25

Information on services Providers of telecommunications services shall inform the Service on its request at any time in detail of the type and characteristics of the services they have placed on the market or wish to bring to the market within 6 months.

Section 6

Obligations related to Telecommunications Surveillance

Art. 26

Obligations of providers of telecommunications services 1 Providers of telecommunications services shall on request supply the following information to the Service or, in accordance with Article 17 paragraph c, to the ordering authority or the authority designated by the ordering authority: a. the content of the telecommunications to and from the person under surveillance;

b. the secondary data of the telecommunications to and from the person under surveillance.

2 They must also:

a. provide the information required to carry out the surveillance;




b. tolerate surveillance carried out by the Service or by persons it designates; for this purpose they shall grant immediate access to their facilities; c. remove any encryption they have applied.

3 Providers of telecommunications services who are involved in providing the telecommunications service under surveillance must supply their data to the Service or to the provider instructed to carry out the surveillance.

4 The order may require real-time surveillance to be carried out and the handover of the retained secondary data of telecommunications from past communications (retroactive surveillance).

5 Providers of telecommunications services must retain the secondary data of telecommunications for 6 months.

6 The Federal Council may exempt providers of telecommunications services from certain statutory obligations, in particular if they offer services of minor economic importance or in the field of education. It shall not exempt them from the obligation to supply on request the secondary data of telecommunications available to them relating to the person under surveillance and the obligations referred to in paragraph 2.

Art. 27

Obligations of providers of derived communications services 1 Providers of derived communications services must tolerate surveillance carried out by the Service or by persons it designates of the data that the person under surveillance transmits or stores using derived communications services. For this purpose, they must without delay: a. grant access to their facilities; b. provide the information required for the surveillance.

2 On request, they must supply the secondary data of telecommunications available to them relating to the person under surveillance.

3 In so far as is necessary for telecommunications surveillance, the Federal Council shall make providers of derived communications services that provide services of major economic importance or to a large number of users subject to all or some of the obligations referred to in Article 26. In such an event, the provisions of this Act that apply to providers of telecommunications services apply mutatis mutandis.

Art. 28

Obligations of operators of internal telecommunications networks 1 Operators of internal telecommunications networks must tolerate surveillance carried out by the Service or by persons it designates. For this purpose, they must without delay: a. grant access to their facilities; b. provide the information required for the surveillance.

2 On request, they must supply the secondary data of telecommunications available to them relating to the person under surveillance.

Surveillance of Post and Telecommunications. FA 13


Art. 29

Obligations of persons who make their access to a public telecommunications network available to third parties 1 Persons who make their access to a public telecommunications network available to third parties must tolerate surveillance carried out by the Service or by persons it designates. For this purpose, they must without delay: a. grant access to their facilities; b. provide the information required for the surveillance.

2 On request, they must supply the secondary data of telecommunications available to them relating to the person under surveillance.

Art. 30

Obligations of professional retailers of cards and similar means Professional retailers of cards and similar means which permit access to a public telecommunications network must record the information referred to in Article 21 paragraph 1 and forward it to the provider of telecommunications services whose network can be accessed using the card or similar means.

Section 7

Ensuring the Ability of Providers of Telecommunications Services to provide Information and carry out Surveillance

Art. 31

Implementing provisions on types of information requests and surveillance

1 The Federal Council shall specify the information to be provided by providers of telecommunications services and the types of surveillance they must carry out. It shall specify for each type of information request and surveillance which data must be supplied.

2 It shall set time limits for supplying the data.

3 The FDJP shall issue the technical and administrative provisions required for the standardised provision of information and the standardised conduct of the common types of surveillance. It shall specify, in particular, the interfaces and data formats to be used for delivering the data to the Service. It shall take account of the corresponding international standards.

Art. 32

Ability to provide information and carry out surveillance 1 Providers of telecommunications services must at all times be able, in accordance with the applicable law, to supply the information referred to in Articles 21 and 22 and the information referred to in Articles 24 and 26 paragraph 2 letter a and to carry out surveillance of the telecommunications services they offer, provided the provision of information and the surveillance are standardised.

2 Where information is requested or surveillance types are ordered that are not standardised, providers of telecommunications services must work with the Service




in accordance with its instructions and take all appropriate measures to ensure trouble-free implementation.

3 Providers of telecommunications services may, at their own expense, entrust third parties to fulfil these obligations. They must ensure that the third parties can guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data. Third parties entrusted with the fulfilment of these obligations shall be subject to the supervision of the Service.

Art. 33

Proof of ability to provide information and carry out surveillance 1 At the request of the Service, providers of telecommunications services must prove at their own expense that they are able, in accordance with the applicable law, to respond to the standardised information requests and to carry out the standardised surveillance types.

2 The Service may engage third parties to verify ability to provide information and carry out surveillance.

3 It shall define the technical and organisational details for providing proof in individual cases.

4 It shall charge the provider of telecommunications services a fee to cover the cost of verification. The Federal Council shall set the fees.

5 It may instruct providers to take technical and organisational measures to remedy deficiencies related to their ability to provide information and carry out surveillance.

6 It shall issue confirmation to the providers as soon as proof has been provided. The Federal Council shall regulate the content and term of validity of this confirmation, in particular in the case of technical advances.

Art. 34

Liability for costs in case of insufficient cooperation 1 Providers of telecommunications services must bear the costs incurred if they are unable or unwilling to fulfil their obligations under Article 32 and they must therefore be carried out by the Service or by a third party.

2 They are not required to bear the costs if they are unable to fulfil their obligations and one of the following is true: a. They have valid confirmation of their ability to carry out the type of surveillance concerned.

b. They have submitted proof of their ability to carry out surveillance, but this has not been verified within a reasonable period for reasons beyond their control.

Surveillance of Post and Telecommunications. FA 15


Section 8

Emergency Search and Tracing of Convicted Persons

Art. 35

Emergency search

1 Outside criminal proceedings, the competent authority may order surveillance of post and telecommunications in order to find a missing person.

2 A person is considered missing if the following conditions are met: a. his or her whereabouts are unknown or disproportionately difficult to determine; and

b. there are serious indications that his or her health or life are in grave danger.

3 The competent authority may employ technical equipment in accordance with Article 269bis CrimPC28, provided the previous measures for telecommunications surveillance pursuant to Art. 269 CrimPC have been unsuccessful, or a search using these measures would be futile or disproportionately difficult. It shall produce statistics on surveillance in accordance with Art. 269bis CrimPC.

4 The competent authority may also inspect data on third parties where this appears necessary in the circumstances in order to find the missing person.

Art. 36

Tracing of convicted persons 1 Outside criminal proceedings, the competent authority may order surveillance of post and telecommunications in order to trace a person on whom a legally binding and enforceable custodial sentence or custodial measure has been imposed, provided the previous measures for tracing have been unsuccessful or if tracing would be futile or would be disproportionately difficult in the absence of surveillance.

2 The competent authority may employ technical equipment in accordance with Article 269bis CrimPC29 and computer programs pursuant to Article 269ter CrimPC, provided the previous measures for telecommunications surveillance pursuant to Article 269 CrimPC have been unsuccessful, or tracing using these measures would be futile or disproportionately difficult. It shall produce statistics on surveillance in accordance with Article 269bis and 269ter CrimPC.

3 It may also inspect data on third parties, provided the requirements of Article 270 CrimPC are met mutatis mutandis.

Art. 37

Procedure 1 Articles 271, 272 and 274-279 CrimPC30 apply mutatis mutandis to the procedure.

2 In the case of an emergency search, the persons under surveillance shall be informed as soon as possible in derogation from Article 279 CrimPC.

28 SR


29 SR


30 SR





3 The Confederation and the cantons shall designate the ordering authority, the approving authority and the appeal body. A surveillance order requires approval by a judicial authority.

Section 9

Costs and Fees

Art. 38

1 The costs of the facilities required to fulfil the obligations under this Act shall be borne by the persons obliged to cooperate.

2 The persons obliged to cooperate shall receive adequate compensation from the Service for the costs of the individual surveillance measure.

3 The ordering authority shall pay the Service a total fee consisting of: a. a fee for the services provided by the Service; b. compensation for the services provided by the persons obliged to cooperate.

4 The Federal Council shall determine the compensation and the fees.

Section 10 Criminal Provisions

Art. 39

Contraventions 1 Unless they have committed a more serious offence under another law, any person who wilfully: a. fails to comply with a decision addressed to them by the Service that mentions the penalties under this Article in the time provided;

b. fails to comply with the obligation to retain data under Articles 19 paragraph 4 and 26 paragraph 5; c. fails to comply with the obligation to record and, if necessary, pass on the required customer data (Art. 21 para. 2 and Art. 30) when establishing a customer relationship;

d. fails to preserve secrecy vis-à-vis third parties with regard to surveillance; shall be liable to a fine not exceeding 100,000 francs.

2 An attempt is also an offence.

3 If the offender acts through negligence, the penalty is a fine not exceeding 40,000 francs.

Surveillance of Post and Telecommunications. FA 17


Art. 40


1 Offences under Article 39 shall be prosecuted and adjudicated in accordance with the Federal Act of 22 March 197431 on Administrative Criminal Law.

2 The Service is responsible for the prosecution and adjudication.

Section 11 Supervision and Rights of Appeal

Art. 41

Supervision 1 The Service shall supervise compliance with the legislation on surveillance of post and telecommunications.

2 If it identifies an infringement of the law, it may take the measures referred to in Article 58 paragraph 2 letter a TCA32 mutatis mutandis against providers of telecommunications services. It may order precautionary measures.

Art. 42

Rights of


1 Decisions by the Service are subject to appeal in accordance with the general provisions on federal administrative justice.

2 The plea that the requirements for ordering the surveillance have not been met is not an admissible ground for an appeal against a decision by the Service.

3 An appeal does not have suspensory effect except where the decision relates to a cash consideration. The appeal body may accord suspensory effect to the appeal.

Section 12 Final Provisions

Art. 43

Implementation The Federal Council and, to the extent that they are responsible, the cantons shall issue the provisions required to implement this Act.

Art. 44

Repeal and amendment of other legislation The repeal and amendment of other legislation are regulated in the Annex.

Art. 45

Transitional provisions

1 Surveillance that is in progress at the time that this Act comes into force shall continue in accordance with the new law.

2 Appeals against decisions of the Service shall be dealt with in accordance with the law applicable in the proceedings at the first instance.

31 SR


32 SR





3 The obligation laid down in Article 21 paragraph 2 applies to information about prepaid SIM cards and similar means that must still be available under the previous law at the time that this Act comes into force.

4 The compensation and fees for surveillance pursuant to this Act are governed by the law that was in force at the time surveillance was ordered.

Art. 46

Coordination with the Intelligence Service Act of 25 September 2015

Regardless of whether this Act or the Intelligence Service Act of 25 September 201533 comes into effect first, the provisions below shall on the commencement of the Act that comes into force later or on commencement of both Acts at the same time be worded as follows: 1. Federal Act of 18 March 201634 on the Surveillance of Post and Telecommu- nications …35 2. Intelligence Service Act of 25 September 201536 …37

Art. 47

Referendum and


1 This Act is subject to an optional referendum.

2 The Federal Council shall determine the commencement date.

Commencement date: 1 March 201838 33 SR


34 SR 780.1

35 These provisions are integrated into the text.

36 SR


37 The provisions may be consulted under AS 2018 117.

38 FCD of 15 Nov. 2017.

Surveillance of Post and Telecommunications. FA 19



(Art. 44)

Repeal and Amendment of other Legislation I

The Federal Act of 6 October 200039 on the Surveillance of Post and Telecommunications is repealed.


The legislation below is amended as follows: …40 39 [AS

2001 3096, 2003 3043 No I 2, 2004 3693, 2007 921 Annex No 3, 2010 1881 Annex 1 No. II 26 3267 Annex No II 14, 2017 4095 Annex No II 12] 40 The amendments may be consulted under AS 2018 117.


